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Thursday, January 16, 2020


I had a dream today.
I was part of the Gallagher family, together with my sister. Im not sure if we were added, or replaced some parts of it, but I know that the older boys were still part of it. And we were a wonderful family. Holding together against the adults, surviving againist the odd. It was great.
I felt so at home, more than I have ever felt before.
We mastered school, family coming to visit and stress from school.
I think grandpa was sometimes pickung us up from school, and we were too many to fit in the car so I would play rock paper scissor with Ian, to decide who of us had to walk home.

In the end our mother got sick and we held together and the dream ended with me getting the script instruction that I would have to kill myself.

We also had a sea somewhere closeby and to escape the family we would swim to an island in the middle together, no matter how cold the water was.

I was happy and I got awoken by a doorbell. I dont know.